Exhibitor Resource Center
Welcome to the Construction SuperConference 2024 Sponsor Resource Center! This area of the website is for current sponsors only, and is to be used to help with the sponsor process. We encourage you to check back often for updates and additional information as it becomes available.
Sponsor Online Console
Login to your Sponsor Console to update your online profile, manage orders, view invoices, purchase digital upgrades and take advanatage of the enhanced marketing tools. Please note: if this is your first time logging in to the console please follow these instructions.
Sponsor Badges
All Sponsors must register for CSC Sponsor badges. Sponsor companies receive one Full Conference badge & one Knowledge Exchange Only badge per booth space. For all additional Sponsor Conference badges, please email Connor Goldman.
Printed Conference Directory Listing
The information in your CSC Sponsor Online Console will be pulled for use in the printed show directory and our mobile app. You MUST log in to the console and complete your profile, including selecting your product categories and entering your company’s description in the field labeled “What we do”. Please log-in to the sponsor console to the left and update your company profile (“What We Do”) by October 13.
Online Order Site
Order your booth materials from Freeman here. Everything from products and services, to material handling.
Access the Freeman Online Order Site below
Sponsor Service Manual
The Sponsor Service Manual shows your move-in times, move-out times, booth installation requirements, critical dates and dealines, etc. Access the Sponsor Service Manual below
Discounted Hotel Reservations
Book your hotel room at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas through our exclusive hotel block with CSC. This is the only block we have reserved for our audience and you should only book here. Discounted rates will be available for CSC participants. The deadline to book your hotel through the Official CSC hotel block is November 14.
Need more information on Sponsoring?
Whether you’re new to CSC or just looking for pricing, custom options, or just want some information on sponsorships. We’ve got you covered. Inquire below and we will contact you soon. Connect with the industry and stand out of the crowd at CSC 2024.
CSC downloadable logo
Feel free to include the event logo on your website, inside emails, social media, or any other marketing vehicles that you may want to promote your presence at the conference.