Speaker Resources
CSC 2024 Call for Presentations has closed. Notification of acceptance status will be sent to submitters only via email by July 31, 2024.
The 2024 Construction Super Conference will take place at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas from December 9 – 11, 2024. CSC plans its educational content to comply with the accreditation requirements accepted by most major credentialing organizations, which allow attendees to obtain MCLE credits.
This year’s Call for Presentations is now closed. All educational content will be selected from submissions through this Call for Presentations. Once the submission period ends, the Construction Super Conference Board of Advisors will meet to review all submissions and select those accepted for presentation at the 2024 event. Notification of acceptance will be sent to submitters only via email by July 31, 2024.
2024 Presenter Deadlines
DEADLINE – Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @ Noon: Call for Presentations due. We cannot accept any late submissions. Please be sure to submit your topic by this date.
July 31, 2024: Notification of acceptance status will be sent to submitters only via email by July 31, 2024.
July 25, 2024: Registration opens. ALL SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER ONLINE. CSC will provide a personalized code to each speaker which will unlock their discounted rate.
Friday, August 23, 2024: Presentation Outline DUE: An outline of your anticipated presentation is required in order for the conference to submit individual state applications for approval to offer MCLE credits. If you will not have a presentation to present, you still need to submit a whitepaper or any supplementary material in order to receive MCLE credentialing for your session. Failure to meet this deadline jeopardizes CSC’s ability to offer MCLE credits.
* Please note: Virginia will not approve sessions without a PowerPoint/materials. If a panel does not submit a PowerPoint outline, the session will not be eligible to provide CLE credits to attorneys attending from the state of Virginia.
Friday, August 23, 2024: Deadline for changes to your session; no content should be changed at this point. Any speaker changes after this date may not be made in any print materials.
Friday, November 8, 2024: Final Presentation due. Your FINAL PowerPoint presentation and any supplementary materials are due for placement on the thumb drives and for final submission for MCLE credit. Please note, this is solely for the purposes of providing presentations to attendees by way of a thumb drive distributed onsite and for final submission for MCLE credit; this does not submit your presentation for display onsite. Each panel must provide their own laptop/device with which to present from with a current copy of their presentation.
Friday, November 15, 2024: Hotel block closes. All speakers are encouraged to book their hotel room early, as we do anticipate our block will fill up.
Conference Format
Each educational session is 60-75 minutes, which allows for audience participation and interaction. Each session should be focused on providing high-level educational content befitting this premier conference. The target audience is construction attorneys, construction industry general counsel, construction industry executives representing developers, government, design professionals and contractors. Over 80% of attendees at the conference have worked in the industry for 11 years or more.
Evaluation of Session Proposals
Session Proposals are reviewed by the Conference Advisory Board. The review focuses on the relevance and importance of the proposed topic, the quality of each Proposal and its proposed Panel as well as the appropriateness of the proposed session in the context of the overall conference content. Proposed speaker panels should be balanced to include a strong presence of industry practitioners, such as general counsel and industry executives. Successful proposals typically propose 3 or 4 speakers, including the moderator.
Conference Presentation Topic Examples
- Arbitration
- BIM/Emerging Technology
- Contract Management
- Dispute Resolution
- Ethics, Compliance, Advocacy
- Infrastructure/Transportation/Energy
- Innovative Litigation Strategies
- Insurance and Surety
- P3 Trends
- Risk Management
- Workforce, Labor Issues
Considerations for acceptance includes timely and substantive content, with a reference to a case study preferred. Suggested panelists should include senior attorney, general counsel, construction owner/operator and construction firm executive.
When are the Call for Presentations due and how do I submit?
Submission deadline for the 2024 Construction Super Conference is Friday, June 7, 2024.
Download the CSC 2024 Speaker PPT Template
MCLE Guidelines and FAQ
What are the MCLE guidelines for my printed materials?
Please click here to read the CSC MCLE Guidelines Information on Written Materials Guidelines.
An outline of your anticipated presentation is required for the conference to submit individual state applications for approval to offer MCLE credits. If you will not have a presentation to present, you still need to submit an outline by Friday, August 23, 2024. Failure to meet this deadline jeopardizes CSC’s ability to offer MCLE credits.
* Please note: Virginia will not approve panel sessions without a PowerPoint. If a panel does not submit a PowerPoint outline, the session will not be eligible to provide CLE credits to attorneys attending from the state of Virginia.
This outline is due Friday, August 23, 2024 via email to Lila Bent
Why are there different MCLE credits awarded on the MCLE webpage?
Each state has different credentialing approval standards.
Who do I talk to regarding MCLEs?
If you have any questions, please email Lila Bent. Please also visit the MCLE page for the most up to date information.
How do I receive my certificate of attendance?
After the conference, within approximately 6 weeks, all presenters will be emailed a certificate reflecting the sessions they have attended. Please remember that some states require you to self-report your MCLE status and credits. Visit the MCLE page for more information.
I have a question that is not listed here, who do I contact?
Please contact our Conference Coordinator, Lila Bent
How do I register for Construction Super Conference?
ALL SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER ONLINE. CSC will provide a personalized code to each speaker which unlock their discounted rate.
Do I have to pay the full amount for my conference pass?
Speakers will receive a discounted registration rate. Speakers will receive a personalized discount code which will unlock their discount. Please refer to your speaker agreement for details on your registration rate. Please contact the Conference Coordinator, Lila Bent, with further questions.
When does registration open?
Registration for Construction Super Conference will open in summer of 2024.
When do I need to register by?
All speakers must complete their online registration and pay any balance due no later than Friday, November 15, 2024.
Session/Speaker Updates
Speaker changes will be accepted through Friday, November 8, 2024, however any changes after Friday, November 8, 2024 may not be made in print materials, but will be made on the CSC website and mobile app.
What are my responsibilities as a speaker?
Proposal Submitter: You are the main point of contact between conference staff and your panel. Please communicate with your session’s panelists frequently and in a timely manner any updates, changes, requests, deadlines, or other details provided to you by conference staff.
Main Speaker: You are leading your panel, whether it be by serving as moderator or simply guiding the session along in a timely, organized manner. You’ll be the main point of contact for your session onsite should conference staff need to reach your panel.
Panelist: Please work with your session’s main speaker to provide all necessary deliverables. You will receive your own speaker agreement and conference staff may reach out directly with requests from time to time.
All speakers: All speakers must register for the conference online. CSC will provide a personalized code to each speaker which will unlock their discounted rate.
Is there a standard PowerPoint template for presenters to use? Do I have to use the CSC PowerPoint template?
Yes, there is a standard PowerPoint template that presenters are required to use. You may download the template here. We will also email each session’s main speaker this template directly.
Will attendees have access to my presentation before the event?
Yes, as long as it is submitted no later than Friday, November 8, 2024. Attendees will receive a thumb drive onsite when they pickup their badge, along with a tote bag of information. Learn more about how you can have your branding associated with the Welcome Kit.
Who do I send my presentation to?
Please save it as a pdf file and send to Lila Bent
Sample naming convention: 2024_CSC_Session ID_Last name.pdf
When is my final presentation due?
Friday, November 8, 2024
Final presentations must be submitted by Friday, November 8, 2024 . Your presentation will be included on a thumb drive and is mandatory for CLE credentialing purposes. The thumb drive will be given to all attendees. If you do not send your presentation by this date, it will affect the credentialing organizations approval for credits, jeopardizing the Construction Super Conference for attendees.
Does submission of my final presentation mean you’ll have it ready for me to present onsite?
No. Submission of your final presentation is solely for the purposes of providing to attendees via the conference thumb drive and for final MCLE submissions. Each panel is still required to use their own laptop/device to present from onsite.
What if my presentation is proprietary and I don’t want it on the thumb drive?
We understand that some presentations may be proprietary. Please share this information with the attendees prior to the start of your session so that they can take notes if they wish. At the minimum, please submit an outline and supplementary materials to fulfill the MCLE requirements. (Note: Virginia will not approve sessions for MCLE credit without a PowerPoint.)
Can I make changes to my presentation after I have sent it for upload to the thumb drive?
The thumb drive is the final product. However, if you do have changes, please bring a printout on site, so that attendees have the most updated version.
Do you provide handouts of my presentation?
No. Hard copy handouts will not be printed as we provide a thumb drive to all attendees of the presentation/handout materials. You are welcome to provide hard copies and bring with you to the session. The room monitor can pass these out as attendees enter the room.
Can I also include supplementary materials for my presentation on the attendee thumb drives?
Yes. Please save it as a PDF and label it as follows:
2024_CSC_Session ID_Last name_Materials.pdf
Send to: Lila Bent
What file size should my presentation be and what happens if it is larger than 8 MB?
We prefer that all presentations be under 8 MB. If it is larger than 8 MB, we recommend that you send two files if you have a lot of photos and illustrations.
2024_CSC_E46_Smith_1_of _2.pdf
2024_CSC_E46_Smith_2_of _2.pdf
Session Rooms
What is included in my session room if I am a presenter?
A podium, podium microphone, LCD projector, HDMI cable to plug into your laptop for the LCD projector. There will be table top microphones for panel presentations.
Do I have to bring anything with me for my session as a presenter?
Yes, panels are responsible for providing their own laptop with their presentation fully loaded on it.
Wi-Fi may or may not be available and/or sufficient for the purposes of presenting or downloading from the cloud.
Speakers will be responsible for cueing their slides from the laptop located at or near the podium. Presentation remotes will not be provided; however, you are welcome to bring your own.
MAC-based computers, iPad, or other devices other than a PC:
If you are using any of the above devices (anything other than a PC with an HDMI port), please bring an adapter to attach to the provided HDMI cable. If you are unsure of what you need, please contact Lila Bent.
If you have any video files embedded in your presentation, please contact Lila Bent, to arrange a test of your presentation. We recommend downloading the video in full as internet connection will not be available while presenting.
Meeting rooms:
All meeting rooms are set in either classroom style, theater style, or a combination of the two.
Wi-Fi availability in session rooms: Construction Super Conference does not provide Wi-Fi for the conference and public/guest availability in common areas varies by venue. If your company is interested in sponsoring this for attendees, please contact Emily Clay.
Are there any special hotel discounts related to the conference?
Yes. Construction Super Conference has worked closely with our venue to secure the lowest hotel room rate possible. Please book your hotel room in our hotel block as soon as possible, as rooms tend to go fast. *Hotel block will open in the summer of 2024 through November 14, 2024.
On-Site Conference
When I arrive, where do I pick up my badge and/or register?
All badges may be picked up at the Registration Desk, where you will receive a Welcome Kit that contains your badge and important conference materials.
Badge Scanning
All attendees MUST have their badge scanned by our conference staff at the doors upon entry into a session. Failure to do so will result in obtaining a late certificate.
How do I provide feedback on the conference?
An online evaluation will be sent to all those who registered after the conference. We welcome any feedback or comments you may have.